| Avaa | Aho, Teija Piironen, Jorma Ranta, Esa Primmer, Craig R.
| Microsatellites for assessment of genetic variation and improvement of hatchery practices in salmonid populations | | artikkeli | vaihtelu - vaihtelut | | | 1998 | 7 | | | | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Albrektsen, Sissel Nortvedt, Ragnar Torrissen, Ole J.
| The effect of a short time exposure to different temperature and salinity regimes on survival of maturins Atlantic salmon and eyed eggs, and changes in blood and seminal plasma during the spawning period | | moniste | biologia, eläinfysiologia, fysiologia, kalabiologia, kalantutkimus - kalatutkimus | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | | 1986 | 23 | | C. M. 1986/F:25 | | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Antere, I. Ikonen, E.
| A method of distinguishing wild salmon from those originating from fish farms on the basis of scale structure | | moniste | kalankasvatus → kalanviljely, lohi - salmo salar | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | | 1983 | 4+liitteet | | C. M. 1983/M:26 | | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Baisez, Aurore ...[ja muita]
| Migration delays and mortality of adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar en route to spawning grounds on the River Allier, France | linkki | artikkeli | ilmastonmuutos - ilmastonmuutokset, kalastuksenhoito, lämpötila, vesi - hydrologia | | | 2011 | 6 | | | Eripainos: Endangered Species ... | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Bakke, Bill
| Native brood stock hatcheries are not a solution for the recovery and protection of wild salmon and steelhead | | moniste | kalanistutus, lohi - salmo salar, Steelhead | Native Fish Society | | 2005 | 16 | | | | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Berglund, Klaus
| Lohen siimakalastuksen säätely | | moniste | kalastussäännöt, lohi - salmo salar, pitkäsiimakalastus | | | 1989 | 5 | | | | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Berttssen, Marc H. G. Lundebye, Anne-Kathrine Maage, Amund
| Effects of elevated dietary copper concentrations on growth, feed utilisation and nutritional status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fry | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, kupari, vaikutus - vaikutukset | | | 1999 | 15 | | | Eripainos: Aquaculture 174 (19... | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Bohling, Torgny
| Methods of estimating total stock, smolt out-put and survival of salmonids using electro-fishing | linkki | artikkeli | lohi - salmo salar, sähkökoekalastus, taimen, virtavedet | University of Göteborg | Göteborg | 1981 | 24 | | | | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Brannon, E. toim. Jonsson, B. toim.
| The population structure and migration system of Atlantic salmon Salmo Salar, in the river Alta, Nort Norway. A summary of the studies 1981-1986 | | moniste | Altajoki, atlantinlohi, Norja, vaelluskalat | Proc. Salmonid Migr, Distribution Symp. | Trondheim | 1987 | 36 | | | | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Campbell, Ronald
| Stories of survival : Dr Ronald Campbell explains that we have learned much from a century of reading salmon scales | | artikkeli | lohi - salmo salar, lohikalat, suomut | | | 2007 | 3 | | | Eripainos: Trout and Salmon, M... | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Craik, J. C. A. Harvey, S. M.
| EGG quality in Atlantic salmon | | moniste | atlantinlohi | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | | 1986 | 35 | | C.M. 1986/F:2 | | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Crozier, W. W. Kennedy, G. J. A.
| Marine survival of wild and hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) from the River Bush, Northern Ireland | | artikkeli | atlantinlohi | | | | 24 | | | Eripainos: Salmon in the sea a... | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Czorlich, Y. Aykanat, T. Erkinaro, Jaakko Orell, P. Primmer, CR
| Rapid sex-specific evolution of age at maturity is shaped by genetic architecture in Atlantic salmon | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, genetiikka - perinnöllisyystiede, kalabiologia | | | 2018 | 19 | | | Understanding the mechanisms b... | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Czorlich, Yann Aykanat, Tutku Erkinaro, Jaakko Orell, Panu Primmer, Craig
| Evolution in salmon life-history induced by direct and indirect effects of fishing | linkki | artikkeli | evoluutio, kalantutkimus - kalatutkimus, lohi - salmo salar, lohikalat | bioRxiv | | 2021 | 31 | | | | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Dahl, Knut
| A review of recent salmon marking experiments in Norway | | artikkeli | kalanmerkintä - kalanmerkinnät, lohi - salmo salar, Norja | | | 193? | 37 | | | | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Davis, John C. Hoos, Richard A. W.
| Use of sodium pentachlorophenate and dehydroabietic acid as reference toxicants for salmonid bioassays - an interlaboratory cooperative study | linkki | moniste | lohikalat | Canadian Science Publishing | | 1974 | 26 | | Fisheries and Marine Service. Technical report no. 464 | | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Debes, Paul V. Piavchenko, Nikolai Erkinaro, Jaakko Primmer, Craig R.
| Genetic growth potential, rather than phenotypic size, predicts migration phenotype in Atlantic salmon | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, evoluutio, genetiikka, lohi - salmo salar, smoltit, vaellus, vaelluskalat | The Royal Society | | 2020 | 10 | | The Royal Society fishing | Proc. R. Soc. B 287: 20200867 | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Egidius, Emmy Hansen, Lars P. Jonsson, Bror Naevdal, Gunnar
| Mutual impact of wild and cultured Atlantic salmon in Norway | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, Norja | | | 1991 | 7 | | | Eripainos: J. Cons. int. Explo... | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Erkinaro, Jaakko Shustov, Yuri Niemelä, Eero
| Feeding strategies of atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr occupying lacustrine and fluvial habitats in a subarctic river, northern Finland | | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, Pohjois-Suomi, ruokinta | | | 1998 | 10 | | | Eripainos: Polskie Archiwum Hy... | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Erkinaro, Jaakko Czorlich, Yann Orell, Panu Kuusela, Jorma Falkegård, Morten Länsman, Maija Pulkkinen, Henni Primmer, Craig R. Niemelä, Eero
| Life history variation across four decades in a diverse population complex of Atlantic salmon in a large subarctic river | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, lohi - salmo salar, Tenojoki | NRC Press | | 2018 | 14 | | | Eripainos: Canadian Journal of... | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Erkinaro, Jaakko Mäki-Petäys, Aki Huusko, Ari Kuusela, Jorma Niemelä, Eero
| Low detection rate in visual observations of stream salmonids in winter | linkki | artikkeli | joki - joet, kalantutkimus - kalatutkimus, lohi - salmo salar | Journal of Freshwater Ecology | | 2018 | 11 | 0270-5060 | | Eripainos: Journal of Freshwat... | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Erkinaro, Jaakko Kylmäaho, Matti Niemelä, Eero Länsman, Maija Kuusela, Jorma
| National report for Finland: salmon fishing season in 2005 | linkki | moniste | kalantutkimus - kalatutkimus, kalasaaliit, lohi - salmo salar, Tenojoki | Internationa Council for the Exploration of the Sea | | 2006 | 9 | | International Council for the Exoloration of the Sea | Working paper 2006/20 North At... | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) ; E-Tenojokikokoelma |
| Avaa | Erkinaro, Jaakko Laine, Anne Mäki-Petäys, Aki Karjalainen, Timo P. Laajala, Esa Hirvonen, Arto Orell, Panu Yrjänä, Timo
| Restoring migratory salmonid populations in regulated rivers in the northernmost Baltic Sea area, Northern Finland - biological, technical and challenges | linkki | artikkeli | lohi - salmo salar, lohikalat, vesien säännöstely → vesistöjen säännöstely, vesistöjen säännöstely | | | 2010 | 8 | | | Eripainos: J. Appl. Ichthyol. ... | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Erkinaro, Jaakko
| The age structure and distribution of Atlantic salmon parr, Salmo salar L., in small tributaries and main stems of the subarctic River Teno, northern Finland | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, iänmääritys, Pohjois-Suomi, Tenojoki | | | 1995 | 9 | | | Eripainos: Ecology of Freshwat... | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Espe, M. Sveier, H. Hø̞gø̞y, I. Lied, E.
| Nutrient absorption and growth of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fed fish protein concentrate | | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, proteiinit, ruokinta | | | 1998 | 19 | | | Eripainos: Aquaculture 174 (19... | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Kincaid, Harold L. toim.
| Atlantic Salmon Brood Stock Management and Breeding Handbook | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, kalakannat, kalanjalostus, kalastuksenhoito, kalastuskulttuuri, kutu, lohi - salmo salar, sukukypsyys | Fish and Wildlife Service | | 1989 | 42 | | | | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Otero, Jaime ... [ja muita]
| Basin-scale phenology and effects of climate variability on global timing of initial seaward migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, ilmasto, vaelluskalat, vaikutus - vaikutukset | Global Change Biology | | 2013 | 15 | | | | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |