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AvaaAho, Teija
Piironen, Jorma
Ranta, Esa
Primmer, Craig R.
Microsatellites for assessment of genetic variation and improvement of hatchery practices in salmonid populationsartikkelivaihtelu - vaihtelut19987I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaAlbrektsen, Sissel
Nortvedt, Ragnar
Torrissen, Ole J.
The effect of a short time exposure to different temperature and salinity regimes on survival of maturins Atlantic salmon and eyed eggs, and changes in blood and seminal plasma during the spawning periodmonistebiologia, eläinfysiologia, fysiologia, kalabiologia, kalantutkimus - kalatutkimusInternational Council for the Exploration of the Sea198623C. M. 1986/F:25I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaAntere, I.
Ikonen, E.
A method of distinguishing wild salmon from those originating from fish farms on the basis of scale structuremonistekalankasvatus → kalanviljely, lohi - salmo salarInternational Council for the Exploration of the Sea19834+liitteetC. M. 1983/M:26I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaBaisez, Aurore ...[ja muita]
Migration delays and mortality of adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar en route to spawning grounds on the River Allier, Francelinkkiartikkeliilmastonmuutos - ilmastonmuutokset, kalastuksenhoito, lämpötila, vesi - hydrologia20116Eripainos: Endangered Species ...I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaBakke, Bill
Native brood stock hatcheries are not a solution for the recovery and protection of wild salmon and steelheadmonistekalanistutus, lohi - salmo salar, SteelheadNative Fish Society200516I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaBerglund, Klaus
Lohen siimakalastuksen säätelymonistekalastussäännöt, lohi - salmo salar, pitkäsiimakalastus19895I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaBerttssen, Marc H. G.
Lundebye, Anne-Kathrine
Maage, Amund
Effects of elevated dietary copper concentrations on growth, feed utilisation and nutritional status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) frylinkkiartikkeliatlantinlohi, kupari, vaikutus - vaikutukset199915Eripainos: Aquaculture 174 (19...I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaBohling, Torgny
Methods of estimating total stock, smolt out-put and survival of salmonids using electro-fishinglinkkiartikkelilohi - salmo salar, sähkökoekalastus, taimen, virtavedetUniversity of GöteborgGöteborg198124I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaBrannon, E. toim.
Jonsson, B. toim.
The population structure and migration system of Atlantic salmon Salmo Salar, in the river Alta, Nort Norway. A summary of the studies 1981-1986monisteAltajoki, atlantinlohi, Norja, vaelluskalatProc. Salmonid Migr, Distribution Symp.Trondheim198736I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaCampbell, Ronald
Stories of survival : Dr Ronald Campbell explains that we have learned much from a century of reading salmon scalesartikkelilohi - salmo salar, lohikalat, suomut20073Eripainos: Trout and Salmon, M...I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaCraik, J. C. A.
Harvey, S. M.
EGG quality in Atlantic salmonmonisteatlantinlohiInternational Council for the Exploration of the Sea198635C.M. 1986/F:2I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaCrozier, W. W.
Kennedy, G. J. A.
Marine survival of wild and hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) from the River Bush, Northern Irelandartikkeliatlantinlohi24Eripainos: Salmon in the sea a...I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaCzorlich, Y.
Aykanat, T.
Erkinaro, Jaakko
Orell, P.
Primmer, CR
Rapid sex-specific evolution of age at maturity is shaped by genetic architecture in Atlantic salmonlinkkiartikkeliatlantinlohi, genetiikka - perinnöllisyystiede, kalabiologia201819Understanding the mechanisms b...I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaCzorlich, Yann
Aykanat, Tutku
Erkinaro, Jaakko
Orell, Panu
Primmer, Craig
Evolution in salmon life-history induced by direct and indirect effects of fishinglinkkiartikkelievoluutio, kalantutkimus - kalatutkimus, lohi - salmo salar, lohikalatbioRxiv202131I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaDahl, Knut
A review of recent salmon marking experiments in Norwayartikkelikalanmerkintä - kalanmerkinnät, lohi - salmo salar, Norja193?37I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaDavis, John C.
Hoos, Richard A. W.
Use of sodium pentachlorophenate and dehydroabietic acid as reference toxicants for salmonid bioassays - an interlaboratory cooperative studylinkkimonistelohikalatCanadian Science Publishing197426Fisheries and Marine Service. Technical report no. 464I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaDebes, Paul V.
Piavchenko, Nikolai
Erkinaro, Jaakko
Primmer, Craig R.
Genetic growth potential, rather than phenotypic size, predicts migration phenotype in Atlantic salmonlinkkiartikkeliatlantinlohi, evoluutio, genetiikka, lohi - salmo salar, smoltit, vaellus, vaelluskalatThe Royal Society202010The Royal Society fishingProc. R. Soc. B 287: 20200867I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaEgidius, Emmy
Hansen, Lars P.
Jonsson, Bror
Naevdal, Gunnar
Mutual impact of wild and cultured Atlantic salmon in Norwaylinkkiartikkeliatlantinlohi, Norja19917Eripainos: J. Cons. int. Explo...I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaErkinaro, Jaakko
Shustov, Yuri
Niemelä, Eero
Feeding strategies of atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr occupying lacustrine and fluvial habitats in a subarctic river, northern Finlandartikkeliatlantinlohi, Pohjois-Suomi, ruokinta199810Eripainos: Polskie Archiwum Hy...I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaErkinaro, Jaakko
Czorlich, Yann
Orell, Panu
Kuusela, Jorma
Falkegård, Morten
Länsman, Maija
Pulkkinen, Henni
Primmer, Craig R.
Niemelä, Eero
Life history variation across four decades in a diverse population complex of Atlantic salmon in a large subarctic riverlinkkiartikkeliatlantinlohi, lohi - salmo salar, TenojokiNRC Press201814Eripainos: Canadian Journal of...I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaErkinaro, Jaakko
Mäki-Petäys, Aki
Huusko, Ari
Kuusela, Jorma
Niemelä, Eero
Low detection rate in visual observations of stream salmonids in winterlinkkiartikkelijoki - joet, kalantutkimus - kalatutkimus, lohi - salmo salarJournal of Freshwater Ecology2018110270-5060Eripainos: Journal of Freshwat...I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaErkinaro, Jaakko
Kylmäaho, Matti
Niemelä, Eero
Länsman, Maija
Kuusela, Jorma
National report for Finland: salmon fishing season in 2005linkkimonistekalantutkimus - kalatutkimus, kalasaaliit, lohi - salmo salar, TenojokiInternationa Council for the Exploration of the Sea20069International Council for the Exoloration of the SeaWorking paper 2006/20 North At...I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) ; E-Tenojokikokoelma
AvaaErkinaro, Jaakko
Laine, Anne
Mäki-Petäys, Aki
Karjalainen, Timo P.
Laajala, Esa
Hirvonen, Arto
Orell, Panu
Yrjänä, Timo
Restoring migratory salmonid populations in regulated rivers in the northernmost Baltic Sea area, Northern Finland - biological, technical and challengeslinkkiartikkelilohi - salmo salar, lohikalat, vesien säännöstely → vesistöjen säännöstely, vesistöjen säännöstely20108Eripainos: J. Appl. Ichthyol. ...I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaErkinaro, Jaakko
The age structure and distribution of Atlantic salmon parr, Salmo salar L., in small tributaries and main stems of the subarctic River Teno, northern Finlandlinkkiartikkeliatlantinlohi, iänmääritys, Pohjois-Suomi, Tenojoki19959Eripainos: Ecology of Freshwat...I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaEspe, M.
Sveier, H.
Hø̞gø̞y, I.
Lied, E.
Nutrient absorption and growth of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fed fish protein concentrateartikkeliatlantinlohi, proteiinit, ruokinta199819Eripainos: Aquaculture 174 (19...I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaKincaid, Harold L. toim.
Atlantic Salmon Brood Stock Management and Breeding Handbooklinkkiartikkeliatlantinlohi, kalakannat, kalanjalostus, kalastuksenhoito, kalastuskulttuuri, kutu, lohi - salmo salar, sukukypsyysFish and Wildlife Service198942I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaOtero, Jaime ... [ja muita]
Basin-scale phenology and effects of climate variability on global timing of initial seaward migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)linkkiartikkeliatlantinlohi, ilmasto, vaelluskalat, vaikutus - vaikutuksetGlobal Change Biology201315I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
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