| Avaa | Aho, Teija Piironen, Jorma Ranta, Esa Primmer, Craig R.
| Microsatellites for assessment of genetic variation and improvement of hatchery practices in salmonid populations | | artikkeli | vaihtelu - vaihtelut | | | 1998 | 7 | | | | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Andrew, Samuel C. Primmer, Craig R. Vebes, Paul V. Erkinaro, Jaakko Verta, Jukka-Pekka
| The Atlantic salmon whole blood transcriptome and how it relates to major locus maturation genotypes and other tissues | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, genetiikka, lohi - salmo salar | Marine Genomics | | 2021 | 5 | | Marine Genomics Volume 56 | Marine Genomics
Volume 56, Ap... | avoin |
| Avaa | Debes, Paul V. Piavchenko, Nikolai Erkinaro, Jaakko Primmer, Craig R.
| Genetic growth potential, rather than phenotypic size, predicts migration phenotype in Atlantic salmon | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, evoluutio, genetiikka, lohi - salmo salar, smoltit, vaellus, vaelluskalat | The Royal Society | | 2020 | 10 | | The Royal Society fishing | Proc. R. Soc. B 287: 20200867 | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Erkinaro, Jaakko Czorlich, Yann Orell, Panu Kuusela, Jorma Falkegård, Morten Länsman, Maija Pulkkinen, Henni Primmer, Craig R. Niemelä, Eero
| Life history variation across four decades in a diverse population complex of Atlantic salmon in a large subarctic river | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, lohi - salmo salar, Tenojoki | NRC Press | | 2018 | 14 | | | Eripainos: Canadian Journal of... | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | House, Andrew H. Debes, Paul V. Kurko, Johanna Erkinaro, Jaakko Primmer, Craig R.
| Genotype-specific variation in seasonal body condition at a large-effect maturation locus | linkki | artikkeli | genetiikka, kutu, lohi - salmo salar | Gold Sring Harbpr Laboratory | | 2023 | 22 | | | | Verkkojulkaisu |
| Avaa | Johansson, Helena Erkinaro, Jaakko Falkegård, Morten Foldvik, Andres Orell, Panu Primmer, Craig R. Pritchard, Victoria L.
| A single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping panel for efficient genetic stock identification of the Teno river Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) population complex | linkki | artikkeli | DNA, genetiikka - perinnöllisyystiede, kyttyrälohi, Tenojoen vesistö, Tenojoki | | | 2025 | 22 | | | | I-Kalantutkimus : Kyttyrälohi (avokotelo 1) |
| Avaa | Koskinen, Mikko T. Sundell, Pekka Piironen, Jorma Primmer, Craig R.
| Genetic assessment of spatiotemporal evolutionary relationships and stocking effects in grayling (Thymallus thymallus, Salmonidae) | linkki | artikkeli | genetiikka, harjus - harri, kalanistutus | | | 2002 | 13 | | | Eripainos: Ecology Letter s(20... | I-Kalatutkimus: Harjus (avokotelo 3) |
| Avaa | Kurko, Johanna Debes, Paul V. House, Andrew Aykanat, Tutku Erkinaro, Jaakko Primmer, Craig R.
| Transcription Profiles of Age-at-Maturity-Associated Genes Suggest Cell Fate Commitment Regulation as a Key Factor in the Atlantic Salmon Maturation Process | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, genetiikka, lohi - salmo salar, Tenojoki | G3-Genes Genomes Genetics | | 2019 | 32 | | G3-Genes Genomes Genetics | G3-Genes Genomes Genetics · N... | |
| Avaa | Maamela, Katja S. Åsheim, Eirik R. Debes, Paul V. House, Andrew H. Erkinaro, Jaakko Liljeström, Petra Primmer, Craig R. Mobley, Kenyon B.
| The effect of temperature and dietary energy content on female maturation and egg nutritional content in Atlantic salmon | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, kutu, lohi - salmo salar, lämpötila, ravinto | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | | 2023 | 27 | 0022-1112 | Journal of Fish Biology | The environment experienced by... | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 20) |
| Avaa | Miettinen, Antti Palm, Stefan Dannewitz, Johan Lind, Emma Primmer, Craig R. Romakkaniemi, Atso Östergren, Johan Pritchard, Victoria L.
| A large wild salmon stock shows genetic and life history diferentiation within, but not between, rivers | linkki | artikkeli | genetiikka, lohi - salmo salar, Tornionjoki | Conservation Genetics | | 2020 | 18 | | Conservation Genetics | Received: 21 April 2020 | avoin |
| Avaa | Miettinen, Antti Palm, Stefan Dannewitz, Johan Lind, Emma Primmer, Craig R. Romakkaniemi, Atso Östergren, Johan Pritchard, Victoria L.
| A large wild salmon stock shows genetic and life history differentiation within, but not between, rivers | linkki | artikkeli | lohi - salmo salar, Tornionjoki, vaellus, vaelluskalat | Conservation Genetics | | 2020 | 17 | | Conservation Genetics | Received: 21 April 2020 / Acce... | avoin |
| Avaa | Miettinen, Antti Dannewitz, Johan Palm, Stefan Pashay Ahi, Ehsan Romakkaniemi, Atso Vähä, Viile Östergren, Johan Primmer, Craig R. Pritchard, Victoria L.
| Loci associated with maturation, migration and appetite control are linked with signals of fine-scale local selection in a large Atlantic salmon population | linkki | artikkeli | kutu, lohi - salmo salar, vaellus | | | 2023 | 37 | | | | Verkkojulkaisu |
| Avaa | Miettinen, Antti Romakkaniemi, Atso Dannewitz, Johan Pakarinen, Tapani Palm, Stefan Persson, Lo Östergren, Johan Primmer, Craig R. Pritchard, Victoria L.
| Temporal allele frequency changes in large-effect loci reveal potential fishing impacts on salmon life-history diversity | linkki | artikkeli | evoluutio, genetiikka, lohi - salmo salar, Tornionjoki | John Wiley & Sons Ltd | | 2024 | 16 | | Evolutionary Applications | | I-Kalantutkimus : Lohi (avokotelo 21) |
| Avaa | Mobley, Kenyon B. Granroth-Wilding, Hanna Ellmen, Mikko Vähä, Juha-pekka Aykanat, Tutku Johnston, Susan E. Orell, Panu Erkinaro, Jaakko Primmer, Craig R.
| Home ground advantage: Local Atlantic salmon have higher reproductive fitness than dispersers in the wild | linkki | artikkeli | genetiikka, lohi - salmo salar, Tenojoki | Science Advances | | 2019 | 8 | | Science Advances | Vol. 5, no. 2; 27 Feb 2019 | |
| Avaa | Mobley, Kenyon B. Aykanat, Tutku Czorlich, Yann House, Andrew Kurko, Johanna Miettinen, Antti Moustakas-Verho, J. Salgado, A. Sinclair-Waters, M. Verta, Jukka-Pekka Primmer, Craig R.
| Maturation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Salmonidae) : a synthesis of ecological, genetic, and molecular processes | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, ekologia, genetiikka, kutu, lohi - salmo salar | Helsingin yliopisto | Helsinki | 2021 | 50 | | | Over the past decades, Atlanti... | Verkkojulkaisu |
| Avaa | Mobley, Kenyon B. Barton, Henry J. Ellmen, Mikko Ruokolainen, Annukka Guttorm, Olavi Pieski, Hans Orell, Panu Erkinaro, Jaakko Primmer, Craig R.
| Sex-specific overdominance at the maturation vgll3 gene for reproductive fitness in wild Atlantic salmon | linkki | artikkeli | genetiikka, kalantutkimus - kalatutkimus, lisääntyminen, lohi - salmo salar | | | 2024 | 13 | | Molecular Ecology Volume33, Issue14 July 2024 | Linking reproductive fitness w... | Verkkojulkaisu |
| Avaa | Mobley, Kenyon B. Barton, Henry J. Ellmen, Mikko Ruokolainen, Annukka Guttorm, Olavi Pieski, Hans Orell, Panu Erkinaro, Jaakko Primmer, Craig R.
| Sex-specific overdominance at the maturation vgll3 gene for reproductive fitness in wild Atlantic salmon | linkki | artikkeli | lisääntyminen, lohi - salmo salar, Tenojoki | Ecovorxiv | | 2023 | 30 | | | Linking reproductive fitness w... | Verkkojulkaisu |
| Avaa | Mäkinen, Hannu Niva, Teuvo Koljonen, Marja-Liisa Akarapong, Swatdipong Primmer, Craig R.
| Temporal variation in lake-run brown trout (Salmo trutta) mixed-stock fishery catches in a large Fennoscandian lake | linkki | artikkeli | genetiikka, Paatsjoen vesistö, taimen | | Helsinki | 2015 | 15 | 1239-6095 | Boreal Environment Research 20: 651–665 | | E-Paatsjoen vesistö. Inarijärvi: kalakannat |
| Avaa | Papakostas, Spiros Vasemägi, Anti Vähä, Juha-pekka Himberg, Mikael Peils, Lauri Primmer, Craig R.
| A proteomics approach reveals divergent molecular responses to salinity in populations of European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) | linkki | artikkeli | Itämeri, kalataudit - kalasairaudet, murtovesi - murtovedet, siika - siiat, suolapitoisuus | | | 2012 | 15 | | | Eripainos: Molecular Ecology (... | G-Kalataudit (Åbo Akademi, kotelo 1) |
| Avaa | Papakostas, Spiros Vasemägi, Anti Himberg, Mikael Primmer, Craig R.
| Proteome variance differences within populations of European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) originating from contrasting salinity environments | linkki | artikkeli | biologia, biotekniikka, DNA, fenotyyppi - ilmiasu, geenit, Itämeri, kalanjalostus, kalataudit - kalasairaudet, perinnöllisyys, proteiinit, ympäristövaikutukset | | | 2014 | 7 | | | Eripainos: Journal of Proteomi... | G-Kalataudit (Åbo Akademi, kotelo 1) |
| Avaa | Primmer, Craig R.
| Genetic Studies of Avian Microsatellite Loci | | opinnäyte | linnut, väitöskirjat | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences | Uppsala | 1997 | 61 | 91-576-5295-3 | Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae. Agraria | No: 67
5 Liitettä. | I-väitöskirjat |
| Avaa | Prokkola, Jenni M. Åsheim, Eirik R. Morozov, Sergey Bangura, Paul Erkinaro, Jaakko Ruokolainen, Annukka Primmer, Craig R. Aykanat, Tutku
| Genetic coupling of life-history and aerobic performance in Atlantic salmon | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, bioenergia, happi, kalanpoikaset, lohikalat, sukukypsyys | The Royal Society Publishing | | 2021 | 10 | | | | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 8) ; I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 15) |
| Avaa | Prokkola, Jenni M. Åsheim, Eirik R. Morozov, Sergey Bangura, Paul Erkinaro, Jaakko Ruokolainen, Annukka Primmer, Craig R. Aykanat, Tutku
| Genetic coupling of life-history and aerobic performance in Atlantic salmon | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, eläinfysiologia, evoluutio, fysiologia, genetiikka, kypsyys | The Royal Society | | 2022 | 10 | | | Abstract
A better understandi... | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo ???) |
| Avaa | Swatdipong, Akarapong Vasemägi, Anti Niva, Teuvo Koljonen, Marja-Liisa Primmer, Craig R.
| Genetic mixed-stock analysis of lake-run brown trout Salmo trutta fishery catches in the Inari Basin, northern Finland : implications for conservation and management | | artikkeli | genetiikka, Inari, Inarijärvi, taimen | | | 2013 | 20 | | Journal of Fish Biology 83 | s. 598-617
Genetic mixed-stoc... | I-Kalatutkimus: taimen (avokotelo 12) |
| Avaa | Swatdipong, Akarapong Vasemägi, Anti Niva, Teuvo Koljonen, Marja-Liisa Primmer, Craig R.
| High level of population genetic structuring in lake-run brown trout, Salmo trutta, of the Inari Basin, northern Finland | linkki | artikkeli | genetiikka, Inari, Inarijärvi, Paatsjoen vesistö, taimen | Journal of Fish Biology | | 2010 | 23 | | Journal of Fish Biology | Eripainos: Journal of Fish Bio... | E-Paatsjoen vesistö: Inarijärvi: Kalalajit ; I-kalatutkimus : taimen (avokotelo 12) |
| Avaa | Åsheim, Eirik R. Debes, Paul V. House, Andrew Liljeström, Petra Niemelä, Petri T. Siren, Jukka P. Erkinaro, Jaakko Primmer, Craig R.
| Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) age at maturity is strongly affected by temperature, population and age-at-maturity genotype | linkki | artikkeli | kutu, lohi - salmo salar, lämpötila, sukukypsyys, Tenojoki | Conservation Physiology | | 2023 | 17 | | Conservation Physiology Volume 11 2023 | | Verkkojulkaisu |