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AvaaCzorlich, Yann
Aykanat, Tutku
Erkinaro, Jaakko
Orell, Panu
Primmer, Craig
Evolution in salmon life-history induced by direct and indirect effects of fishinglinkkiartikkelievoluutio, kalantutkimus - kalatutkimus, lohi - salmo salar, lohikalatbioRxiv202131I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 10)
AvaaKurko, Johanna
Debes, Paul V.
House, Andrew
Aykanat, Tutku
Erkinaro, Jaakko
Primmer, Craig R.
Transcription Profiles of Age-at-Maturity-Associated Genes Suggest Cell Fate Commitment Regulation as a Key Factor in the Atlantic Salmon Maturation Processlinkkiartikkeliatlantinlohi, genetiikka, lohi - salmo salar, TenojokiG3-Genes Genomes Genetics201932G3-Genes Genomes Genetics G3-Genes Genomes Genetics · N...
AvaaMobley, Kenyon B.
Granroth-Wilding, Hanna
Ellmen, Mikko
Vähä, Juha-pekka
Aykanat, Tutku
Johnston, Susan E.
Orell, Panu
Erkinaro, Jaakko
Primmer, Craig R.
Home ground advantage: Local Atlantic salmon have higher reproductive fitness than dispersers in the wildlinkkiartikkeligenetiikka, lohi - salmo salar, TenojokiScience Advances 20198Science Advances Vol. 5, no. 2; 27 Feb 2019
AvaaMobley, Kenyon B.
Aykanat, Tutku
Czorlich, Yann
House, Andrew
Kurko, Johanna
Miettinen, Antti
Moustakas-Verho, J.
Salgado, A.
Sinclair-Waters, M.
Verta, Jukka-Pekka
Primmer, Craig R.
Maturation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Salmonidae) : a synthesis of ecological, genetic, and molecular processeslinkkiartikkeliatlantinlohi, ekologia, genetiikka, kutu, lohi - salmo salarHelsingin yliopistoHelsinki202150Over the past decades, Atlanti...Verkkojulkaisu
AvaaProkkola, Jenni M.
Åsheim, Eirik R.
Morozov, Sergey
Bangura, Paul
Erkinaro, Jaakko
Ruokolainen, Annukka
Primmer, Craig R.
Aykanat, Tutku
Genetic coupling of life-history and aerobic performance in Atlantic salmonlinkkiartikkeliatlantinlohi, eläinfysiologia, evoluutio, fysiologia, genetiikka, kypsyysThe Royal Society202210Abstract A better understandi...I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo ???)
AvaaProkkola, Jenni M.
Åsheim, Eirik R.
Morozov, Sergey
Bangura, Paul
Erkinaro, Jaakko
Ruokolainen, Annukka
Primmer, Craig R.
Aykanat, Tutku
Genetic coupling of life-history and aerobic performance in Atlantic salmonlinkkiartikkeliatlantinlohi, bioenergia, happi, kalanpoikaset, lohikalat, sukukypsyysThe Royal Society Publishing202110I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 8) ; I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 15)
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