| Avaa | House, Andrew H. Debes, Paul V. Kurko, Johanna Erkinaro, Jaakko Primmer, Craig R.
| Genotype-specific variation in seasonal body condition at a large-effect maturation locus | linkki | artikkeli | genetiikka, kutu, lohi - salmo salar | Gold Sring Harbpr Laboratory | | 2023 | 22 | | | | Verkkojulkaisu |
| Avaa | Kurko, Johanna Debes, Paul V. House, Andrew Aykanat, Tutku Erkinaro, Jaakko Primmer, Craig R.
| Transcription Profiles of Age-at-Maturity-Associated Genes Suggest Cell Fate Commitment Regulation as a Key Factor in the Atlantic Salmon Maturation Process | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, genetiikka, lohi - salmo salar, Tenojoki | G3-Genes Genomes Genetics | | 2019 | 32 | | G3-Genes Genomes Genetics | G3-Genes Genomes Genetics · N... | |
| Avaa | Mobley, Kenyon B. Aykanat, Tutku Czorlich, Yann House, Andrew Kurko, Johanna Miettinen, Antti Moustakas-Verho, J. Salgado, A. Sinclair-Waters, M. Verta, Jukka-Pekka Primmer, Craig R.
| Maturation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Salmonidae) : a synthesis of ecological, genetic, and molecular processes | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, ekologia, genetiikka, kutu, lohi - salmo salar | Helsingin yliopisto | Helsinki | 2021 | 50 | | | Over the past decades, Atlanti... | Verkkojulkaisu |