Fish Database Search
Quick Search retrieves all fields in the database with the keyword (s) you enter. Note that detailed search restrictions do not work in Quick Search. Avoid using keywords that are too general.
In detailed Search, you can enter search text in all the fields you want to search.
In the "Author(s)" field, you can enter the last name or last name, first name.
In the Title field you can use one or several search words.
Material Type: You can limit your search to a specific type of material.
If you don't remember exactly the name of the material you are looking for, just remember that it contains the word fly fishing, then here are a few tips:
- "fly fishing" - in the search result, fly fishing in its own word
- fly fishing - in the search results fly fishing as part of the word
- fly fishing * - in the search result fly fishing as the beginning of the word
- * fly fishing - in the search result fly fishing at the end of the word
- fly * fishing - any search results starting with the fly and ending with the fishing
Other Search Tips:
- by typing AND between two or more keywords, all of these keywords will be included in the successful search result
- by typing an OR between two or more keywords, including at least one of the keywords in the successful search result
- by typing () inside the parentheses you can use the AND and OR operators to combine searches, eg ("fishing" OR throw *) AND Aulio, Olli in which you get the material: Leisure fisherman by Olli Aulio