Aineiston tiedot

Tekijä (t):Ozerov, Mikhail Yu
Wennevik, V.
Niemelä, E.
Vasemägi, Anti
Prusov, S. V.
Vorontsova, T.
Kalske, T. H.
Olsen, A. A.
Høstmark, M. S.
Smeland, A. F.
Aineiston nimi:Application of the updated genetic baseline for genetic stock identification of Atlantic salmon in commercial fisheries in northern Norway
Asiasanat:genetiikka, kalakannat, kalasaaliit, lohi - salmo salar, lohikalat
Kustantaja:Kolarctic CPC
Lehti/sarja ym.:Kolarctic CBC – Project
Lisätietoa:Report 20 (XX) Abstract Atlantic salmon is an important exploitable resource for people living both along the rivers and the coast of northern Europe. Sustainable management of Atlantic salmon presumes preservation of many populations while at the same time ensuring that salmon remains available both for commercial and recreational fisheries to the benefit of both local people and visitors. However, fishery is one of the major factors affecting the production and survival of salmon populations. Moreover, coastal and riverine fisheries exploit salmon along its migration routes and the fisheries are considered to be mixedstock fisheries, as salmon from different populations may contribute to the catches, challenging management. Application of genetic stock identification (GSI) methods allows for obtaining the knowledge of the level of contribution of different salmon populations to the catches, which in turn enables to infer exploitation rates of various stocks by the fishery...
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