Aineiston tiedot

Tekijä (t):Niemelä, E.
Hassinen, E.
Kalske, T. H.
Høstmark, M. S.
Aineiston nimi:Released and killed salmon in the catches (=catch and release method) in terms of numbers, weights, timing and proportions within small, medium and large size salmon in 27 Finnmark rivers and in four Troms rivers and totally in all Troms-Finnmark rivers
Asiasanat:atlantinlohi, Finnmark, pyydystä ja päästä -kalastus, Tromssa - Tromsö, vapakalastus
Kustantaja:Kolarctic CPC
Lehti/sarja ym.:Kolarctic CBC – Project
Lisätietoa:Report 18 (XVIII) Abstract The practice of releasing salmon in the rod fishery catches back into the rivers in Northern Norway is today more of a rule than an exception. Catch and release practice is used for the entire fishing season or less frequent only for the limited period in the summer. In most of the rivers in Finnmark, fishers have in the recent years followed catch and release practice voluntarily or on a mandatory basis. In those rivers where rod fishing is continuing to target seatrout after salmon fishing is prohibited in August, catch and release practice for salmon is necessary. Every fifth salmon caught in rod fishery in Finnmark/Troms rivers were released; also 15%-20% from salmon caught in the years 2013-2020 were released back into the rivers. The numbers of salmon released was between approx. 5 000 and 8 000, corresponding to the catch in kilos between 21 000 to 34 000 kg in the years 2013-2020. Half of the released salmon in numbers were fish below 3 kilos but in weights, large salmon (larger than 7 kilos) made the majority (50%). Size groups in released salmon stayed almost the same over the years...
Sijainti:Vain verkkojulkaisuna