Aineiston tiedot

Tekijä (t):Niemelä, E.
Hassinen, E.
Høstmark, M. S.
Kalske, T. H.
Aineiston nimi:Mean annual and seasonal weights of salmon in four salmon districts and in municipalities of Finnmark for bag net and bend net fisheries; examples from the size selective fishery between fishing methods
Asiasanat:atlantinlohi, Finnmark, kalan paino, lohi - salmo salar
Kustantaja:Kolarctic CPC
Lehti/sarja ym.:Kolarctic CBC – Project
Lisätietoa:Report 8 (VIII) Abstract The mesh size (distance between knot to knot) of the bend nets is usually 64-75 mm while the mesh size of bag nets is between 58-60 mm. Minimum mesh size in fishery for anadromous fish is 58 mm for both fishing gears. Bend net is a fishing gear where salmon is caught in a capturing net. In bag nets, larger salmon usually stays alive in the catching part of the bag but smaller 1.5-2 kg salmon is caught in the capturing net of the bag. Some fishermen use bend nets with larger mesh sizes early in the summer in order to catch large sized salmon. Later in the summer they use smaller mesh sizes in order to catch smaller salmon. Smaller mesh sized bend nets do not catch large salmon effectively. During the last 15-20 years, the mean size of small salmon (<3 kg) has been larger in bend net fishery than in bag net fishery, in all salmon districts. This indicates selective size dependent fishery between the two salmon fishing methods. The mean sizes of larger salmon are approx. the same over the years in bag net and bend net fisheries in all salmon districts...
Sijainti:Vain verkkojulkaisuna