Aineiston tiedot

Tekijä (t):Niemelä, E.
Hassinen, E.
Kuusela, J.
Kalske, T. H.
Høstmark, M. S.
Aineiston nimi:Simultaneous variations in the water temperatures during summer months in large, medium and small rivers in Barents Sea area in Norway and Finland
Asiasanat:Altajoki, Barentsinmeri, joki - joet, lämpötila, Näätämöjoki, Pohjois-Norja, Pohjois-Suomi, Tenojoki, vaihtelu - vaihtelut
Kustantaja:Kolarctic CPC
Lehti/sarja ym.:Kolarctic CBC – Project
Lisätietoa:Report 5 (V) Daily mean water temperatures show different development in the rivers Altaelv and Lakselv compared to the developments in the rivers Tanaelv and Neidenelv. The same difference in development can be seen in all the months. Especially early in the summer, May and June, daily water temperatures are lower than in the rivers Tanaelv and Neidenelv. A reason for the lower daily temperatures is in the River Altaelv, is the large dam in the upper areas of the river, which is releasing cold water from the reservoir. In River Lakselv, there are large and deep lakes which keep cold water early in the summer also in the upper areas of the river. What is remarkable in the water temperature developments in the rivers Altaelv and Lakselv is that daily temperatures are not fluctuating during the whole summer like in ”lakeless” rivers Tanaelv and Neidenelv. In the end of summer daily water temperatures are higher in the rivers Altaelv and Lakselv because reservoir and lakes are keeping warm watermasses for longer periods. In the River Tanaelv watershed, the coldest waters are in the tributary river Leavvajohka during almost the entire summer...
Sijainti:Vain verkkojulkaisuna