Aineiston tiedot

Tekijä (t):Niemelä, E.
Hassinen, E.
Kuusela, J.
Kalske, T. H.
Høstmark, M. S.
Aineiston nimi:Summary from the long-term mean monthly river temperatures and monthly cumulative temperatures as an index from the changes in juvenile salmon freshwater environment; graphical illustrations from the temperature variations within and between the rivers in Northern Norway and Finland
Asiasanat:joki - joet, kalanpoikaset, lohi - salmo salar, lämpötila, Pohjois-Norja, vaihtelu - vaihtelut
Kustantaja:Kolarctic CPC
Lehti/sarja ym.:Kolarctic CBC – Project
Lisätietoa:Report 3 (III) Abstract Mean monthly river temperatures in northernmost Norway show simultaneous fluctuations between the rivers, although the rivers are located in large distances from each other. The biggest distance is between the River Alta (in western Finnmark) and the River Grense Jakobselv (in eastern Finnmark). River Alta is one of the coldest rivers early in the summer, June and July, compared to other large rivers. It can be explained by the large and deep-water magazine above the dam bringing cold water into the River Alta early in the summer. While water in the other rivers is getting colder, which is what normally happens towards autumn, water in the River Alta below the reservoir stays warmer for a longer period in September and October.
Sijainti:Vain verkkojulkaisuna