Aineiston tiedot

Tekijä (t):Diserud, Ola H.
Fiske, P.
Karlsson, S.
Glover, K. A.
Næsje, T.
Aronsen, T.
Bakke, G.
Barlaup, B. T.
Erkinaro, J.
Florø-Larsen, B.
Foldvik, A.
Heino, M.
Kanstad-Hanssen, Ø
Lo, H.
Lund, R. A.
Muladal, R.
Niemelä, E.
Ökland, F.
Østborg, G. M.
Otterrå, H.
Skaala, Ø
Skoglund, H.
Solberg, I.
Solberg, M. F.
Sollien, V. P.
Sægrov, H.
Urdal, K.
Wennevik, V.
Hindar, K.
Aineiston nimi:Natural and anthropogenic drivers of escaped farmed salmon occurrence and introgression into wild Norwegian Atlantic salmon populations
Asiasanat:genetiikka, kalakannat, kalankasvatus → kalanviljely, lohi - salmo salar, verkkoaltaat
Lehti/sarja ym.:ICES Journal of Marine Science, Volume 79, Issue 4
Lisätietoa:Marine aquaculture of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is a relatively new industry where breeding programs have led to rapid genetic change in the captive populations that were built up alongside conspecific wild individuals. Throughout its 50-years history, marine aquaculture of Atlantic salmon has been associated with escapes, and studies have shown that escapees may enter rivers, spawn successfully, and this may lead to farmed-to-wild genetic introgression and maladaptation in wild populations.
Sijainti:I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 20)