Aineiston tiedot

Tekijä (t):Widén, Åsa
Malm Renöfält, Birgitta
Degerman, Erik
Wisaeus, Dag
Jansson, Roland
Aineiston nimi:Environmental Flow Scenarios for a Regulated River System: Projecting Catchment-Wide Ecosystem Benefits and Consequences for Hydroelectric Production
Asiasanat:jokikunnostukset, järvikunnostus - järvikunnostukset, kasvillisuus, kestävä kehitys, kunnostus - kunnostukset, luonnon monimuotoisuus, Ruotsi, vedenlaatu - veden laatu, vesikasvillisuus, vesivoima, vesivoimalat - vesivoimalaitokset, ympäristö, ympäristön tila, ympäristövaikutukset
Kustantaja:AGU Advancing Earth and Space Science
Lehti/sarja ym.:Water Resources Research, Research article 10.1029/2021WR030297
Lisätietoa:Abstract: To enable prioritization among measures for ecological restoration, knowing the expected benefits and consequences of implementation is imperative but rarely explicitly quantified. We developed a novel method to prioritize among environmental flow measures to rehabilitate ecosystems in the Ume River catchment in northern Sweden, a river system heavily regulated for hydropower production. Our strategy was to identify measures with minimal impact on hydropower production while providing substantial environmental benefits... Implementing restrictions on zero-flow events by mandating minimum discharge at all run-of-river hydropower stations and allocating 1%–12% of mean annual discharge to bypassed reaches in the entire catchment would result in a 2.1% loss of annual electricity production. Adding flow to fishways would increase the loss to 3.1% per year. With implementation of more natural water-level fluctuations in run-of-river impoundments, the loss increases to 3.8%. These actions would increase the habitat for lotic species like the grayling Thymallus more than threefold and increase the area of riparian vegetation by about 66%. Our method forms a basis for ongoing implementation of nationwide environmental rehabilitation schemes.
Sijainti:H-Kunnostukset: järvet, joet, purot ym.