Aineiston tiedot

Tekijä (t):Pekcan-Hekim, Zeynep
Horppila, Jukka
Aineiston nimi:Net loading system for fish farming: Trash fish reduction and internal loading
Asiasanat:kalankasvatus → kalanviljely, kalanviljely, ympäristö
ISBN/ISSN:978-951-776-606-7 ; 1796-8860
Lehti/sarja ym.:Riista- ja kalatalous, Tutkimuksia / Riista- ja kalatalouden tutkimuslaitos
Lisätietoa:1/2009 Trash fish removal as an environmental measure to establish a new type of environmental net load and permission system for Baltic Sea fish farming was evaluated in a preliminary study in 2007. This report is part of the project and presents the results from a literature survey. The aim of the survey was to determine whether any other positive consequences in addition to the effect of nutrient removal existed e.g., if internal loading or bioturbation by the fish would diminish. Although numeric estimation is very difficult and caution is needed in interpreting the result, a very preliminary quantitative assessment of the effects is given. It was estimated that a reduction of 300 metric tons of fish biomass in the Archipelago Sea (this is not the amount of fish caught) would reduce the internal nitrogen load by an amount that equals 10% of the fish farming load in the area and 9% of the phosphorus load.
Sijainti:F-RKTL Tutkimuksia