Aineiston tiedot

Tekijä (t):Svels, Kristina
Salmi, Pekka
Mellanoura, Juhani
Niukko, Jari
Aineiston nimi:The impacts of seals and cormorants experienced by Baltic Sea commercial fishers
Asiasanat:ammattikalastus, haastattelututkimus, hylkeet, Itämeri, kalastajat, merimetsot
ISBN/ISSN:978-952-326-853-1 ; 2342-7647
Lehti/sarja ym.:Luonnonvara- ja biotalouden tutkimus / Luke Luonnonvarakeskus = Natural resources and bioeconomy studies
Lisätietoa:nro 77/2019 The growth of seal and cormorant populations has challenged the viability of coastal fisheries in the Baltic Sea. In 2017 widely spread frustration among local and regional fishery stakeholders generated a transnational cooperation project operated by the Fisheries Local Action Groups. The Baltic Sea Seal and Cormorant project aimed at producing new knowledge of the seal and cormorant induced problems, and at raising public awareness about the troubled situation in the Baltic Sea area. In cooperation with the Natural Resources Institute Finland the project launched a survey in 2018 to investigate the impacts of seal and cormorant populations on small-scale fishing livelihoods along the Baltic Sea coast. This report presents the main results based on 219 interviews conducted in 6 countries... Luonnonvara- ja biotalouden tutkimussarjan julkaisut ilmestymisjärjestyksessä: Luonnonvara- ja biotalouden tutkimussarjan julkaisut tietokannassa: ISBN 978-952-326-853-1 (Print) ISBN 978-952-326-854-8 (Online) ISSN 2342-7647 (Print) ISSN 2342-7639 (Online) URN
Sijainti:F-Luke: Luonnonvara- ja biotalouden tutkimus (F 2/6)