| Avaa | Anon
| Effects of recruitment fluctuations and trends in herring fisheries : Annex 1 | | artikkeli | silakka - haili | | | 1963 | 6 | | | Eripainos: Conceil permanent i... | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Aro, Eero Sjöblom, Veikko Suuronen, Petri Parmanne, Raimo
| The abundance of Baltic herring and sprat in the seas around Finland in 1979 and 1980 according to echo counting | | moniste | kalalajit, kilohaili, rannikkovedet, silakka - haili, Suomi | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | | 1981 | 18 | | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, C.M. 1980/J : 21 Baltic Fish Committee | | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Clemmesen, Catriona
| The effect of food availability, age or size on the RNA/DNA raio of labotatory reared individually measured herring larvae | | moniste | kalabiologia, silakka - haili, toukat | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | Kiel | 1992 | 13 | | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, C.M. 1992/L : 33 Biol. Oceanogr. Ctte | | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Halling, Folke Salmi, Juhani
| Abundance, growth and mortality of Autumn-spawning Baltic herring larvae off the coast of Finland | | moniste | rannikkovedet, silakka - haili, Suomi, toukat | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | | 1981 | 15 | | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, C.M. 1910/J : 22 Baltic Fish Committee | | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Helsingin yliopisto yhteisötekijä
| Silakka- ja karisiikakantojen tila ja suositukset suurimmaksi sallittavaksi saaliiksi vuonna 1981 | | moniste | arviointi, kalakannat, kalasaaliit, kalastustilastot, saaliit, siika - siiat, silakka - haili, tilastot | Helsingin yliopisto | Helsinki | 1980 | 41 | | Helsingin yliopisto Kalataloustiede ; 2 | Opetustarkoituksella tehty opp... | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Hudd, R. Aro, E.
| By-catch of O-group smelt in Isaacs-Kidd mid-water trawl herring catch of the coast of Finland in 1980-82 | | kirja | kuore, rannikkovedet, silakka - haili, Suomi | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | Helsinki | 1983 | 8 | | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, C.M. 1983/J : 28 Baltic Fish Committee | | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Hudd, R.
| Feeding of Baltic herring larvae in the Gulf of Finland | | artikkeli | Itämeri, ruokinta, silakka - haili, Suomenlahti, toukat | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | | 1980 | 14 | | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, C.M. 1980/J : 7 Baltic Fish Committee | | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Kuhmonen, Aimo Aminoff, Ingrid Pitkälä, Anna Raussi, Virve Niiranen, Matti
| Silakkajalosteet Helsingin Silakkamarkkinoilla 1986-1997 | | kirja | Helsinki, kalanjalostus, silakka - haili | Helsingin kaupunki, Ympäristökeskus | Helsinki | 1998 | 23+5 liitettä | 951-718-183-3 ; 1235-9718 | Helsingin kaupungin Ympäristökeskuksen julkaisuja ; 14/98 | | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Kuusi, Taina Kytökangas, Riitta
| A method for examination of the distribution of citrate in Baltic herring fillets kept in saline solution | | artikkeli | silakka - haili, säilöntä | | | 1971 | 6 | | | Eripainos: Lebensm.-Wiss,-u. T... | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Kuusi, Taina
| On the occurrence of thiaminase in Baltic herring | | kirja | Itämeri, silakka - haili, vitamiinit | Valtion teknillinen tutkimuslaitos | Helsinki | 1963 | 14 | | Valtion teknillinen tutkimuslaitos. Tiedotus sarja IV - Kemia 52 | | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Linko, Reino R.
| Fatty acids and other components of Baltic herring flesh lipids | | kirja | Itämeri, silakka - haili | Department of Chemistry, University of Turku | Turku | 1967 | 121 | | Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja A 1, Astronomica, Chemica, Physica, Mathematica ; 101 | | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Oulasvirta, Panu Lehtonen, Hannu
| Effects of sand extraction on herring spawning and fishing in the Gulf of Finland | | artikkeli | kalastus, kutu, silakka - haili, Suomenlahti | | | 1988 | 4 | | | Eripainos: Marine Pollution Bu... | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Oulasvirta, Panu Rissanen, J. Parmanne, Raimo
| Spawning of Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras) in the western part of the gulf of Finland | | kirja | Itämeri, kutu, silakka - haili, Suomenlahti | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | Helsinki | 1984 | 31 | | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, C.M. 1983/J : 24 Baltic Fish Committee | | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Parmanne, Raimo Sjöblom, Veikko
| Abundance, mortality and production of spring-spawning Baltic herring larvae in the seas around Finland in 1979 | | moniste | Itämeri, kutu, silakka - haili, toukat | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | | 1980 | 16 | | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, C.M. 1980/J : 9 Baltic Fish Committee | | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Parmanne, Raimo Sjöblom, Veikko
| Abundance, mortality and production of spring-spawning Baltic herring larvae in the seas around Finland in 1980 | | moniste | Itämeri, kutu, silakka - haili, toukat | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | | 1981 | 15 | | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, C.M. 1981/J : 23 Baltic Fish Committee | | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Parmanne, Raimo Sjöblom, Veikko
| Differences in the state of herring stocks in the Northern and Southern part of the Gulf of Finland | | kirja | kalastustilastot, silakka - haili, Suomenlahti, tilastot, varastointi | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | Helsinki | 1983 | 17 | | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, C.M. 1983/J:21, Baltic Fish Committee | | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Parmanne, Raimo Sjöblom, Veikko
| Recaptures of Baltic herring tagged off the coast of Finland in 1975-1981 | | moniste | Itämeri, kalasaaliit, rannikkoalueet, silakka - haili, Suomi | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | Helsinki | 1982 | 12 | | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, C.M. 1982/J : 19 Baltic Fish Committee | | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Parmanne, Raimo Sjöblom, Veikko
| Recaptures of Baltic herring tagged off the Coast of Finland in 1982-85 | | kirja | Itämeri, kalasaaliit, rannikkoalueet, silakka - haili, Suomi | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | Helsinki | 1986 | 5+liitteet | | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, C.M. 1986/J : 28 Baltic Fish Committee | | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Parsons, L. S. Hodder, V. M.
| Meristic Differences between Spring- and Autumn-Spawning Atlantic Herring (Clupea harengus harengus) from Southwestern Newfoundland | | artikkeli | Atlantin valtameri, kutu, silakka - haili | | | 1971 | 6 | | | Eripainos: Journal Fisheries R... | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Postuma, K. H.
| The catch per unit effort and mortality rates in the Southern Bight and Channel Herring Fisheries | | artikkeli | silakka - haili | | | 1963 | 8 | | | Eripainos: Conceil permanent i... | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Salmi, Juhani Salmi, Pekka
| Silakan kalastuksesta monilajikalastukseen : Pohjois-Satakunnan rannikon ammattikalastuksen muutokset | linkki | kirja | ammattikalastus, rannikkokalastus, Satakunta, silakka - haili | RKTL | Helsinki | 1991 | 140 | 0787-8478 | Kalatutkimuksia / Riista- ja kalatalouden tutkimuslaitos | nro 30
Kalatutkimuksia -sar... | F-RKTL Kalatutkimuksia ; I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Sjöblom, Veikko
| Back calculation of the length of Baltic herring from measurements of the otolith | | artikkeli | Itämeri, silakka - haili | | | 1962 | 5 | | | Eripainos: Archivum Societatis... | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Sjöblom, Veikko Kuittinen, Eero
| Phocascaris sp. (Nematoda) larvae in Baltic herring, a new parasite for the Baltic Sea | | artikkeli | Itämeri, loiset, nematodit → ankeroiset, silakka - haili | | | 1976 | 3 | | | Eripainos: Finnish Fisheries R... | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Sjöblom, Veikko Kuittinen, Eero
| Phocascaris sp. (Nematoda) larvae in Baltic herring, a new parasite for the Baltic Sea | | moniste | Itämeri, nematodit → ankeroiset, silakka - haili, toukat | RKTL | Helsinki | 1976 | 3+liite | | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, C.M. 1976/P : 14 Baltic Fish Committee | Saatavilla myös:
Eripainos: ... | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Sjöblom, Veikko Parmanne, Raimo
| The vertical distribution of Baltic herring larvae (Clupea harengus L.) in the Gulf of Finland | | artikkeli | Itämeri, silakka - haili, Suomenlahti, toukat | | | 1978 | 14 | | | Eripainos: Finnish Fisheries R... | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Sjöstrand, Bengt
| Changes in length at age in Baltic herring, studied by back-calculation from scales | | moniste | fysiologia, Itämeri, kalantutkimus - kalatutkimus, silakka - haili | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | | 1992 | 5+liitteet | | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, C.M. 1992/J : 21 Session P | | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Smith, Stanford H.
| Life history of lake herring of Green Bay, Lake Michigan | | artikkeli | silakka - haili | United States Department of the Interior | Washington, D. C. | 1956 | 52 | | Fishery Bulletin 109, Volume 57 | | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Suuronen, Petri Erickson, Daniel L. Orrensalo, Ari
| Mortality of herring escaping from pelagic trawl codends | linkki | artikkeli | kuolleisuus, silakka - haili, troolikalastus | Elsevier | | 1996 | 17 | | Fisheries Research Volume 25, Issues 3–4 | Pages 305-321 | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Vuorinen, P. Axell, M.-B.
| Effects of the water soluble fraction of crude oil on herring eggs and pike fry | | moniste | hauki - hauet, kalanpoikaset, silakka - haili | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | | 1980 | 10 | | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, C.M. 1980/E : 30 Marine Environmental Quality Committee | | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Widegren, Hjalmar
| Några ord om sillfiske samt om sillens eller strömmingens råtta beredning till handelsvara | | artikkeli | kalastus, mäti, silakka - haili, silli, sillikalat | P. A. Norstedt & Söner | Stockholm | 1871 | 11 | | | | I-Kalatutkimus: Silakka (avokotelo 2) |