| Avaa | Bylund, Göran Valtonen, E. T. Niemelä, E.
| Observations on epidermal papillomata in wild and cultured Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. in Finland | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, kalataudit - kalasairaudet, lohi - salmo salar, Suomi | | | 1980 | 4 | | | Eripainos: Journal of Fish Dis... | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 8) |
| Avaa | Diserud, Ola H. Fiske, P. Karlsson, S. Glover, K. A. Næsje, T. Aronsen, T. Bakke, G. Barlaup, B. T. Erkinaro, J. Florø-Larsen, B. Foldvik, A. Heino, M. Kanstad-Hanssen, Ø Lo, H. Lund, R. A. Muladal, R. Niemelä, E. Ökland, F. Østborg, G. M. Otterrå, H. Skaala, Ø Skoglund, H. Solberg, I. Solberg, M. F. Sollien, V. P. Sægrov, H. Urdal, K. Wennevik, V. Hindar, K.
| Natural and anthropogenic drivers of escaped farmed salmon occurrence and introgression into wild Norwegian Atlantic salmon populations | linkki | artikkeli | genetiikka, kalakannat, kalankasvatus → kalanviljely, lohi - salmo salar, verkkoaltaat | ICES | | 2022 | 17 | | ICES Journal of Marine Science, Volume 79, Issue 4 | Marine aquaculture of Atlantic... | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 20) |
| Avaa | Jø̞rgensen, L. Amundsen, P.-A. Gabler, Heidi-Marie Halvorsen, M. Erkinaro, Jaakko Niemelä, E.
| Spatial distribution of Atlantic salmon parr (Salmo salar L.) and bullhead (Cottus gobio L.) in lotic and lentic habitats of a diversified watercourse in northern Fennoscandia | linkki | artikkeli | atlantinlohi, elinympäristö - habitaatti, kalanpoikaset, lohi - salmo salar | | | 1999 | 11 | | | Eripainos: Fisheries Research ... | I-Kalatutkimus: Lohi (avokotelo 8) |
| Avaa | Lappalainen, A. Mähönen, O. Erkinaro, Jaakko Rask, M. Niemelä, E.
| Acid deposition from the Russian Kola Peninsula : Are sensitive fish populations in North-Eastern Finnish Lapland affected? | | artikkeli | hapan laskeuma - happosateet, kalakannat, Kuolan niemimaa, Lappi, vaikutus - vaikutukset, Venäjä | | | 1995 | 6 | | | Eripainos: Water, Air and Soil... | I-Tutkimus (avokotelo 2) |
| Avaa | Lauringson, M. Ozerov, M. Y. Lopez, M.-E. Wennevik, V. Niemelä, E. Vorontsova, T. Y. Vasemägi, A.
| Distribution and prevalence of the myxozoan parasite Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae in northernmost Europe: analysis of three salmonid species | | artikkeli | Jäämeri, kalataudit - kalasairaudet, lohi - salmo salar, loiset | Diseases of Aquatic Organisms | | 2022 | 13 | | Diseases of Aquatic Organisms Vol. 151: 37–49, 2022 | | G-Kalataudit |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Hassinen, E. Kalske, T. H. Høstmark, M. S.
| Biological features combined with the genetic stock assignment data collected from Atlantic salmon fishery at sea in Northern Norway makes it possible to understand the flexibility of salmon ecology | linkki | moniste | atlantinlohi, biologiset ominaisuudet, ekologia, genetiikka, kalakannat, lohi - salmo salar, Pohjois-Norja, Tenojoki | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 126 | 978-82-94021-14-7 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 15 (XV)
Sa... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Hassinen, E. Kuusela, J. Kalske, T. H. Høstmark, M. S.
| Changing weather conditions, air temperature and precipitation, are driving annual and long-term changes in subarctic salmon environment and in the timing of salmon migrations in the River Tana watershed through air and water temperature synchrony | linkki | moniste | atlantinlohi, Pohjois-Norja, subarktiset alueet, Tenojoki, vaelluskalat | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 66 | 978-82-94021-00-0 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 1 (I)
1. Ai... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Hassinen, E. Høstmark, M. S. Kalske, T. H.
| Daily bag net and bend net catches and cumulative catches for three size groups of salmon in the municipalities Tana, Gamvik and Berlevåg | linkki | moniste | atlantinlohi, lohisaaliit | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 27 | 978-82-94021-13-0 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 14 (XIV)
S... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Hassinen, E. Høstmark, M. S. Kalske, T. H.
| Daily catches in numbers, kg and proportions for small, medium and large salmon caught in combined bag net and bend net fisheries in Finnmark municipalities; seasonal variations in the size distributions indicating clear peaks in the migrations | linkki | moniste | atlantinlohi, Finnmark, kalasaaliit, lohi - salmo salar, vaelluskalat, vaihtelu - vaihtelut | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 43 | 978-82-94021-12-3 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 13 (XIII)
... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Länsman, M. Hassinen, E. Kuusela, J. Kylmäaho, M. Haantie, J. Kivilahti, E. Arvola, K-M. Kalske, T. H. Laine, Tellervo Aino kääntäjä
| Flerbruksplan for Neidenvassdraget del 4 : Sjøørreten i Neidenvassdraget, økologi, vandringstidspunkt og fangst | linkki | kirja | ekologia, meritaimen, saaliit, taimen, vesiekologia, ympäristönsuojelu | Fylkesmannen i Finnmark | Vadsø | 2018 | | 0800-2118 | FMFI Rapport nr.: 6-2018 | Raportti 4 käsittelee Neidene... | I-Kalatutkimus: Taimen (avokotelo 10) |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Hassinen, E. Kalske, T. H. Høstmark, M. S.
| Graphs indicating long-term sea temperatures in the coastal areas in Northern Norway and in Northern Kola Peninsula (Russia); monthly and annual fluctuations with clear warming trends, simultaneous changes between monitoring are | linkki | moniste | Kuolan niemimaa, lohi - salmo salar, lämpötila, Pohjois-Norja, rannikkoalueet, smoltit, Tenojoki, vaihtelu - vaihtelut | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 48 | 978-82-94021-01-7 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 2 (II)
Mean monthly ... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Hassinen, E. Høstmark, M. S. Kalske, T. H.
| Long-term salmon catch variations at sea between and within the municipalities in Finnmark; 57 year’s variation in reported catches, since 1993 size group proportions in bag net and bend net fisheries | linkki | moniste | Finnmark, lohisaaliit, vaihtelu - vaihtelut | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 23 | 978-82-94021-06-2 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 7 (VII)
Sa... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Hassinen, E. Høstmark, M. S. Kalske, T. H.
| Mean annual and seasonal weights of salmon in four salmon districts and in municipalities of Finnmark for bag net and bend net fisheries; examples from the size selective fishery between fishing methods | linkki | moniste | atlantinlohi, Finnmark, kalan paino, lohi - salmo salar | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 13 | 978-82-94021-07-9 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 8 (VIII)
T... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Hassinen, E. Høstmark, M. S. Kalske, T. H.
| Median dates of capture and cumulative catches are indicating clear variations in the migration periods between small, medium and large salmon and in the salmon fishery practices between municipalities in Northern Norway in Finnmark | linkki | moniste | atlantinlohi, Finnmark, lohisaaliit, pyynti, vaelluskalat | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 24 | 978-82-94021-11-6 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 12 (XII)
D... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Hassinen, E. Høstmark, M. S. Kalske, T. H.
| Median dates of capture and cumulative salmon catches in bag net and bend net fishery in four salmon districts in Finnmark | linkki | moniste | Finnmark, pyynti, saaliit | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 27 | 978-82-94021-08-6 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 9 (IX)
Cum... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Hassinen, E. Kalske, T. H. Høstmark, M. S.
| Released and killed salmon in the catches (=catch and release method) in terms of numbers, weights, timing and proportions within small, medium and large size salmon in 27 Finnmark rivers and in four Troms rivers and totally in all Troms-Finnmark rivers | linkki | moniste | atlantinlohi, Finnmark, pyydystä ja päästä -kalastus, Tromssa - Tromsö, vapakalastus | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 113 | 978-82-94021-17-8 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 18 (XVIII)
... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Hassinen, E. Høstmark, M. S. Kalske, T. H.
| Salmon fishery at sea in Finnmark within four salmon districts; annual and seasonal catch distributions between bag nets and bend nets for small, medium and large salmon in the years 1993-2021 | linkki | moniste | atlantinlohi, Finnmark, kalastus, kalaverkko - kalaverkot, lohisaaliit | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 26 | 978-82-94021-05-5 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 6 (VI)
The proportio... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Hassinen, E. Kalske, T. H. Høstmark, M. S.
| Salmon resources in North Atlantic with special focus in terms of numbers, weights, timing and proportions between small, medium and large size salmon in the river catches in Finnmark and Troms | linkki | moniste | Altajoki, Atlantin valtameri, atlantinlohi, Finnmark, joki - joet, kalasaaliit, kalavarat, Pohjois-Norja, Tenojoki, Tromssa - Tromsö | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 142 | 978-82-94021-15-4 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 16 (XVI)
T... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Hassinen, E. Kalske, T. H. Høstmark, M. S.
| Salmon resources in North Norway with special focus in terms of long-term development in the numbers of fishing sites and fishers, fishing methods and salmon catches at sea | linkki | moniste | atlantinlohi, kalastus, Pohjois-Norja | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 37 | 978-82-94021-16-1 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 17 (XVII)
... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Hassinen, E. Kuusela, J. Kalske, T. H. Høstmark, M. S.
| Simultaneous variations in the water temperatures during summer months in large, medium and small rivers in Barents Sea area in Norway and Finland | linkki | moniste | Altajoki, Barentsinmeri, joki - joet, lämpötila, Näätämöjoki, Pohjois-Norja, Pohjois-Suomi, Tenojoki, vaihtelu - vaihtelut | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 21 | 978-82-94021-04-8 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 5 (V)
Daily mean wat... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Hassinen, E. Länsman, M. Kuusela, J. Haantie, H. Høstmark, M. S. Kalske, T. H.
| Strong annual variations combined with the long-term declining catches in multi-seawinter salmon in the River Tana (Teno) watershed are indicating weakened stocks; diverse catch distributions in the traditional fisheries and basic ecology of salmon | linkki | moniste | atlantinlohi, kalastus, kansanperinne, Tenojoki | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 101 | 978-82-94021-18-5 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 19 (XIX)
O... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Hassinen, E. Kuusela, J. Kalske, T. H. Høstmark, M. S.
| Summary from the long-term mean monthly river temperatures and monthly cumulative temperatures as an index from the changes in juvenile salmon freshwater environment; graphical illustrations from the temperature variations within and between the rivers in Northern Norway and Finland | linkki | moniste | joki - joet, kalanpoikaset, lohi - salmo salar, lämpötila, Pohjois-Norja, vaihtelu - vaihtelut | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 21 | 978-82-94021-02-4 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 3 (III)
Me... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Hassinen, E. Kuusela, J. Kalske, T. H. Høstmark, M. S.
| The development of water temperatures throughout the summer in the coastal rivers in Northern Norway and in the River Tana watershed (Norway and Finland); daily and hourly variations | linkki | moniste | joki - joet, kehitys - kehittyminen, lämpötila, Pohjois-Norja, rannikkoalueet, Tenojoki, vaihtelu - vaihtelut | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 21 | 978-82-94021-03-1 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 4 (IV)
Mea... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Hassinen, E. Høstmark, M. S. Kalske, T. H.
| Weekly catches in numbers and weights of salmon in bag net and bend net fisheries are indicating the timing and migration periods of small, medium and large salmon in four salmon districts in Finnmark | linkki | moniste | atlantinlohi, Finnmark, lohi - salmo salar | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 22 | 978-82-94021-10-9 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 11 (XI)
in... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Niemelä, E. Hassinen, E. Høstmark, M. S. Kalske, T. H.
| Weekly catches in numbers and weights of salmon in bag net and bend net fisheries are indicating the timing and migration periods of small, medium and large salmon in four salmon districts in Finnmark | linkki | moniste | atlantinlohi, Finnmark, kalastus, lohi - salmo salar, pyynti | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 23 | 978-82-94021-09-3 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 10 (X)
Sal... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Ozerov, Mikhail Yu Wennevik, V. Niemelä, E. Vasemägi, Anti Prusov, S. V. Vorontsova, T. Kalske, T. H. Olsen, A. A. Høstmark, M. S. Smeland, A. F.
| Application of the updated genetic baseline for genetic stock identification of Atlantic salmon in commercial fisheries in northern Norway | linkki | moniste | genetiikka, kalakannat, kalasaaliit, lohi - salmo salar, lohikalat | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 46 | 978-82-94021-20-8 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 20 (XX)
At... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Ozerov, Mikhail Yu Wennevik, V. Niemelä, E. Vasemägi, Anti Vorontsova, T. Kalske, T. H. Olsen, A. A. Høstmark, M. S. Smeland, A. F.
| Genome-wide analysis of the temporal genetic variation of Atlantic salmon populations in Finnmark rivers, northern Norway | linkki | moniste | Finnmark, genetiikka, kalakannat, lohi - salmo salar, lohikalat, Pohjois-Norja, vaihtelu - vaihtelut | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 20 | 78-82-94021-21-5 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 21 (XXI)
A... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |
| Avaa | Pihlaja, O Niemelä, E. Erkinaro, J.
| Introduction and dispersion of the bullhead, Cottus gobio L., in a sub-Arctic salmon river in northern Finland | | artikkeli | kivisimppu, Tenojoki | Fisheries Management and Ecology | | 1998 | 8 | | Fisheries Management and Ecology, 1998, 5 | | E-Tenojoki |
| Avaa | Wennevik, V. Niemelä, E. Ozerov, Mikhail Yu Madhun, A. S.
| Environmental impact from fish farming on northern salmon populations in the KolArctic area | linkki | moniste | atlantinlohi, Finnmark, genetiikka, joki - joet, lohi - salmo salar, Målselva, rannikkokalastus, Tromssa - Tromsö, vesiviljely (kalatalous) | Kolarctic CPC | | 2023 | 11 | 978-82-94021-19-2 | Kolarctic CBC – Project | Report 22 (XXII)
... | Vain verkkojulkaisuna |